Monday, January 21, 2008

... Aaaaand then back to the 140's

I'm back from my trip out of town. So much for the 130's! Ah well, I expected a gain. Some of this 140-ness is water weight, and the rest I'll work off before much time passes. It's definitely not all water weight. I made some not-so-smart choices this past weekend in terms of eating. But it sure tasted good!

On a completely unrelated note, after taking a business-related trip this past weekend and working a big chunk of the weekend before that, I'M TIRED.

I need to plan a vacation soon. One that involves lots of relaxation in a bathing suit. That'll be motivation!

My husband and I are considering a couple options. Anyone ever been to the Big Island of Hawaii?


Paul said...

You'll be back in the 130s before you know it. :)

Kate said...

You will be back in the 130's before you know it...and staying there.

I also need a vacation...severely, I'm all a big ball of stress. UGH!

healthy ashley said...

Yay! 10 pounds lighter than when you started!

Anonymous said...

I bet you will be back in the 130s soon. And I hope you will also be in Hawaii soon. Never been, but it looks Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Healthy YOU challenge ! You can do it, we can help!

HappyBlogChick said...

I'm all over being back in the 130's. I'll be there soon, oh yes I will!

Michelle said...

Great job!! I have been to Hawaii, although it was a very long time ago (12 years ago to be exact) but I am sure it's just as beautiful now as it was then :) Hope you get to take your vacation to Hawaii soon's definantly a vacation paradise, and you won't want to come back lol.

Swizzlepop said...

It could be all water depending upon what you ate. I have gained and lost 3-4 pounds over night because of water. I like to call my daily WIs an experiment :) and it has really helped me see what my body likes to do to mess with my head LOL. Don't stress too much, just eat more veggies and TONS of water in addition to the other healthy foods. :)
I've only been to Kauai but regardless of which island you go to check out these books, they are the best guid books for HI. The author is totally honest, doesn't sugar coat and doesn't allow advertisers so he tells it like it is. We got the one for Kauai for our 2nd trip there and it was awesome!