Friday, April 25, 2008

Hasta la pasta

Friends, I'm outta here (for a week, anyway). Time to get some last-minute word done, pack, and go on vacation!

Oh, how I need a vacation.

For those of you who didn't see my added stuff yesterday about my liver MRI test results, I heard from the doctor. There are no definitive answers. They suspect this is a typical not-of-concern hemangioma, but they don't know for sure. Now they're sending me for a Nuclear Medicine Scan. That'll have to happen after I get back from vacation. I'm going to do my best to not think about it until I return, too. I need a vacation from that mess as much as I need a vacation from work!

Although work is kicking my arse right now. I found out there's a big presentation the day after I return. Um, no, I can't have those analyses ready for that meeting, folks.

I can't wait to sit on the beach with my wonderful hubby of 5 years (happy anniversary to us!), relaxing, listening to the ocean, and forgetting about anything and everything stressful. Yay!

Have a wonderful, on-plan, healthy, active, run-like-the-wind kind of week. I'll be back around May 5th or so.


Paul said...

Enjoy yer vacation! I'm more than a little jealous. :)

Kate said...

Enjoy your vacay!

Hanlie said...

Have a wonderful holiday! We'll miss you! And don't worry about work, tests, etc!

Kristy said...

Enjoy your stressfree holiday :)

Da Doo Run Run said...

Have an awesome vaca!!!! I'm so jealous.

I looked up the one hour runner link. I'm so doing that one. Starting next week!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Happy anniversary and happy vacation!

Caroline said...

Have a fabulous vacation! I'm jealous since I don't get any vacation until August. So have a great time for me!

Manuela said...

Have a fantastic time.

I just have to let you know that I did the 20 minute run! Thanks for sending me the post again--it really got me believing that I could do it!

I wrote about it on Saturday, April 26. THANK YOU!!!!

healthy ashley said...

Happy Anniversary! You deserve the vacation!

Paul said...

Haha, thanks for the example dresses. I see what you mean by "feminine dress."

So, did you go with the whole skull number as one of your two dresses? ;-)

I'm glad you enjoyed the photo of my daughter.

Roni said...


Miss July...not...yet said...

Hope you are having a WONDERFUL time!

Ready Maid said...

We're headed for the beach July 12. Catch some rays for me while you're gone.

I'm holding good thoughts about your test results.

We'll be here when you get back.

MomOf4 said...

Have a wonderful and relaxing time!! Happy Anniversary to you two!!

sauchagirl said...

I'm sure you are sitting on the beach right now! Enjoy!

Nicole said...

I hope you're having a lovely time!

TexasTesla said...

So glad I found your blog! Fun, nice...and great to see another science-type dealing with fitness and diet.

Fingers crossed on your next scans.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! And I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, relaxing vacation with no worries at all. :-) (Little Douglas Adams reference there, sorry.)

Definitely hoping for great results on the scan and that you won't think about it too much between now and then. :-)


Michelle said...

hi, i just found your blog. i'm doing the couch to 5k and have an event on 6/20. i hope i'm ready by then! i'm on week 6. have fun on vacation!

Swizzlepop said...

I hope you are having an awesome vacation!!!!!!!! Just a teeny reminder... ;)
Today is May 1st, our challenge begins TODAY. Check out the latest post in the Challenge Blog ( - add the blog to your reader if you use one). Come on, let's do this! No giving up! :)

Chanda (aka Bea) said...

Have a fabu vacation dahling! You deserve it. I can think of nothing better than soaking up some sun with someone you love.

Paul said...

Alright, it's May 5th! You said you'd be back around May 5th or so, but I assume you meant you'd be posting by the crack of dawn today, yet we're half way through the day and no post. I was patient enough to give you time off, but enough is enough! :-)

In all seriousness, I hope you and hubby had a grand vacation. It's often hard when it comes to an end. Hopefully the transition back into routine won't be too traumatic.

MomOf4 said...

Just checking in on you! Hope your vacation is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Mexico sounds like a fun place to go! I hope you had a blast!

Also - sorry to hear about your health worries, I hope all is ok. Your body has got to be a lot healthier now you are at your goal weight, that has got to work in your favour. Ive got my fingers crossed for you.

Paul said...

So... gotten those test results back? Feeling amazingly better? Found that you just needed a little sun and fun? Or maybe you decided to stay an extra week! Wouldn't that be grand?

I'm not trying to rush you or anything -- just wanted you to know I was thinking about you, and wondering how things were going.

Hmm, this might be a bit too sappy. I'll work on that.

Felicia said...

Ok we have hit "or so" on the date lol. Hope you are doing well! Update as we want to know how you are and how it went ok!!


sauchagirl said...

Hey! Where are ya!? Did you decide not to come back?

Paul said...

Posting another comment under the theory that you were waiting to post again until you got your 28th comment on this thread... ;-)

C'mon back!

healthy ashley said...

Where did you go?! I'm worried about you :(

Ready Maid said...

I'm holding good thoughts about you while you're on vacation; and we'll all be here waiting to hear good news when you return.

P.S. We miss you right now.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you,
I'm from Japan.
Glad to meet you.

Indeed I am sorry,Please link to this site.
Keep it up please.

sauchagirl said...

Hope you're feeling ok and things are going well!

Da Doo Run Run said...

I'm hoping your silence simply means you are busy and nothing more sinister. Good thoughts coming your way!

Paul said...

Hey, stranger. C'mon back.

Chanda (aka Bea) said...

Wondering where you are. Did you decide to never come back from vacation? I can't say as I would blame you. I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fitness information.

Dani Spies said...

Okay, I'm a little late on this...but it's well past May 5th...where are you?

healthy ashley said...

I'm really worried now. We don't know Happy's real name, so we have no way of making sure she's okay. I know she loved us all too much to just leave.

Come back, Happy! :(

Nicole said...

Hey! I worried about you. Please update, honey. Please.

Paul said...

I haven't forgotten about you, HBC. You would like to update us. Really, you would. I can feel it.

It's going to be really embarrassing if a bunch of us manage to track you down, only to find that you were just tired of talking to us!

Paul said...

We're coming up on the 2 month anniversary... Come back!

Anonymous said...

Hey, great blog HappyBlockChick. Very interesting articles and I love how you put a personal touch on everything.

I actually just started a health and fitness blog of my own ( and I am always looking for constructive criticism. Would love it if you or your readers could check it out and give me some feed back.

Have a great vacation.

MomOf4 said...

Just checking back in! I hope you are OK. If something is wrong, please know that you are not alone. There are a lot of us here in the cyber world who miss you! Big news at my place if you are interested!

Brightcetera said...

Hi! Just adding to the "Hello, where are you & is everything ok?"
I miss you, too!

Kate said...

Hellllo? Anyone out there?

Anonymous said...

Is everything okay, BlogChick? We're all missing you!

Aaron Cunningham said...

Still alive out there Happy? We miss you!

Anonymous said...

No doubt, all these folks hope you are well.

If it isn't too late too help, I just wanted to pass along advice about Exercise With Oxygen Therapy.

Getting your heart rate up and using supplemental oxygen is really helpful for all health concerns and conditions.

Not selling anything, just passionate about helping people feel better.

Many many blessings,
Hope you are well.

Paul said...

Alright, HBC, one last nudge. C'mon back. I miss ya.

charengiwooman said...

Various dieting、beauty, healthy is written in this blog.

In TV on December 3, 2008, many of coming foreigners seem to go to the game center and Print Club, and it plays a game crane game (UFO Catcher) popular in the game center the downtown of Tokyo. there in my country
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for your site. I need the encouragement and found it here.

Come and read my real life story and how it worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you go?!

Anonymous said...

This information is very helpful. Keep posting.


Michelle said...

Just another Where Are You? note. We're worried :( Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy holidays

Anonymous said...

Great work. Looking forward to more good material!

Anonymous said...

The fastest and safest way to reach your goal weight is with physician supervised weight loss. Medi-Weightloss Clinics has locations across the U.S. They also help you maintain your weight loss through their wellness program! Check it out!

Anonymous said...

I hope you start blogging again. I like your blog!

Anonymous said...

I was overweight and depressed for years until I came across this amazing program called fit4lyfe.It completely changed my lifew hile maintaining who I was. It takes into consideration that a dieter and person who works out needs a life and has a life,maybe kidss too, and for me I hated working out. This program is a personalized one on one approach to successfully eating and working your way to losing weight and feeling great! check it out

Anonymous said...

information is very helpful.
keep posting

knox459 said...

You guys should check out my fitness blog, great videos at

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your vacation! I am so jealous!

Anonymous said...

it's about time for another post bud!

Katy said...

happy...where are you...will blogger delete this if you are inactive much longer?????

Matt. Tara. Addi. Roslyn. said...

Hi ,
I really enjoy the information you have made available on your site concerning your fitness. Recently I started a site that is dedicated to helping people lose weight their own way with the right program. I was wondering if you would be willing to link to our site from yours. We are not trying to drive traffic from your site to ours but merely trying to get google to notice our link. In exchange for linking to our site we would love to give you a free bottle of green tea pills. Im sure you’re aware of all the wonderful benefits of green tea. Our site is called check us out, and if your interested in giving us a link email me at
Thanks for your time.

Anonymous said...

Hi, hope you're doing well. You are such an inspiration to many of us trying to lose the weight for good. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful fitness free vacation!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a great vacay! I just found the GREATEST plan to kick my butt into shape while you're gone! It's called "Beach Chic for Cheap in 30 Days" and I'm already noticing a difference!

Here's the site-

Leslie said...

Hi looking for other bloggers getting healther. Need the motivation and love to give it too.

Hope you have a great vacation.

Fitness Model said...

Where are you? You've been gone for far too long. Come baaaaaaack . . .

Gym Matting said...

Have a great trip. While i'm working out at home!

CruiseCandyLuke said...

For some great inspiration i like visit a site dedicated to weight loss and fitness displaying a catalogue of before and after pictures including stories and diet principles of those who have succeeded in reaching their goals!

Ben said...

Hey, hope it isn't too serious!

Am I overweight? said...

Did you ever come back? You had a good thing going here...

AX said...

Love the post. It hits it right on the head. I found this great fitness blog on how to burn body fat, best thing is its all free. Check it out.

Andy said...

Hi, I love your blog. I am a daily reader. Recently I came upon an interesting topic concerning the safety of drinking water from plastic bottles.. a very safe alternative is aluminum and actually it will save you money! My aluminum water bottle site describes why plastic bottles can be harmful.

How to lose 50 pounds said...

Have a wonderful holiday

Anonymous said...

Read this articles you might find somthing good in them:

AbCirclePro said...

Enjoy your trip!


Great post. Very good point. Also check out this great site I found to lose body fat.

Da Doo Run Run said...

Saddened that there is still no update. If you ever check this, I think of you periodically and check your blog and fervently hope you are doing okay.

Unknown said...

You have GOT to try this! This website changed my life and made me 20lbs lighter! I'm not even kidding!!! Hehe! I love my body now!

Skin Care said...

Cool blog! I commented here before, its nice to know there are still some great posts out there. Thanks for the great info…

eht reggolb said...

Hope I get some fitness leads like you

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OKtawian said...

nice:) good blog-keep building good luck!!!

complex said...

Really cool blog :)

Thanks for the great tips and info :)

Anonymous said...

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Fit Human said...

These are important keys to weight loss

Tone your stomach said...

Nice Post

leighs31 said...

We all need some inspiration to keep us all going and you are on of them. I go out running with my dog every morning to keep me sane. She has no eyes though and is a true inspiration to me and makes sure I am always fit and happy ;-)
muscle mass!

sachin said...

thanks great info
checkout my blog and comment

Fabby said...

thats one long vacation...

alex greenwood said...

we could use some sunshine over here in uk storms for 3rd week in a row lol

check out my my blog for great tasting low calorie high protein dessert recipes and also 3 great tips on how to stay slim and healthy and more

will said...

Have a great trip and be safe

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Here2HelpU said...

Best Training Strategies

If you ever been to a doctor, the first thing they do is convince you to do low to moderate intensity aerobic training. This is also referred to as cardio. They suggest you do about 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio for about 3-5 times in a week. They claim this helps maintain your heart rate at a moderate level.
Before you get involved in such a routine, consider some recent scientific research that gives concrete facts to prove such cardio workouts may not work that well after all.

Our bodies were designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery. According to the research study, physical variety is a key variable in your training. If you examine most sports, you will find that most of them go with this burst of exertion, or stop-and-go movement, as it is also called.

Another factor to keep in mind when it comes to varying your physical workouts is the effects to your body internally.

Scientists have known for years that any excessive steady state endurance exercise that is anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, only trains the heart rate at a specific level. You don’t get the heart fully involved.

This kind of workout causes muscle wasting, and can even create a condition in your body that can lead to chronic diseases. But if you do stop-and-go type movements, you will find that your body reacts to it in a better manner. Your body will be able to increase anti-oxidant production. Your body will also provide a more anti-inflammatory affect and your metabolic rate will increase. Also, stop-and-go training trains the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands and stress levels.

This is what you need. The kind of exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease is the condition that will benefit you more fully. And it has another benefit. It is much more interesting to do and has a better success rate. This means those who used this method, did not drop out.

If you want to find a better way to exercise that will give you tremendous results, you need to pick up a copy of my e-book Fast Track to Fat Loss.

Once you do this, you will learn the right way to exercise and will get your body into peak physical condition in no time. Just go to to learn more.

sonya said...

Tnx, for writing this blog
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Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog and hope everything is all right with the liver. Thought I would let you know I have been following and they have some great workouts for those interested. Anyways, great blog and I will enjoy following it.

Anonymous said...

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Hemangiomas to be found in the perianal or genital areas may become infected or develop cellulitis. Infants presenting with 3 or more small hemangiomas should be evaluated for internal hemangioma of the liver or digestive tract. Visceral hemangiomas can lead to congestive heart failure or other organ dysfunction. All hemangiomas must be evaluated by a specialist to prevent complications from developing. However thanks to diligent researchers across the country there are some factors currently being investigated

Zo said...

Long vacation! Have a great time and looking forward to reading more fitness updates.

trijicon acog said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!! hope you didn't get lost on your vacation!!

Hope to hear an update soon!!

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Navy SEAL Training said...

Hi, just wondering when will you decide to update this blog? it's been a long time since you took a vacation, I think it's a waste to abandon such great blog like this one.

AnaVar said...

Hope you enjoyed your vacation. Great blog youve got here. Congrats.

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Very good article indeed, thanks and keep up the good work ..

Matt said...

I appriciate the time you spent on these articles. It has been great reading your posts.

Fitness Blog said...

Glad to hear your health scare may not be a big deal!

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bob said...

I too had to have that same kind of medical test. I hope all of the results turned out ok for you. Good luck with the running and weight lose.

Waist Hips and Thighs said...

I know you went on a vacation for a while but you haven't come back? I just actually found your blog did you get a new domain?


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Joebutlee said...

Happy Anniversary! Nothing but wishes of health and wellness for you.

Anonymous said...

I feel strongly learning the topic, however I need to learn more on this topic.
Carry on your updates..!!


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have fun on your vacation!

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Great article!

usa fitness dude said...

That was an awesome one!

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Hasta la bamba!

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Fitness doesn't mean only the weight lose.It aslo reqiures a balanced and well mannered food.So by this way you will not get weak.

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Balanced diet and a healthy immune system. That's what a healthy body really is.

calgaryhcgdrops said...

Those tests you have been going for must be so scary. Take the vacation to relax and try not to think about whats going on. Enjoy your anniversary!

Kourtney @ HCG edmonton drops said...

Enjoy your vacation.
I have been in a similar situation to you where it was test after test after test, and i'm not talking about the school kind either. Just try and be positive and enjoy your time together. Staying clam and reducing your stress can really increase the outcome of the situation.

Have a blast and take lots of pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hey just discovering this now! You ever thinking of getting back to the blogging??

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posting information very good

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Australian Satellite said...

Hope you're doing good now.

Sarah said...

Have a wonderful holiday!

Bob said...

Vacation is wonderful, but remember to stay fit!

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nice blog ,thank u for telling about this it will really help others.

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Da Doo Run Run said...

Came back today hoping you had come back at some point with an update. Four years and nothing. Just goes to show that random blogging can sometimes touch strangers. I am not a stalker, just somebody who used to like reading your words and who was hoping things were going okay for you. If blogger is sending you these comments via email, and you are reading them, happy thoughts are coming your way. Oh and all these shameless ads in your comment feed are disgusting --Danielle

buyenergydrink said...

Hi lovely website you have, do you have plans blogging again? I like your post.

Megan said...

It is really good to have a vacation after being busy for a long time. Enjoy it!

Dan said...

Enjoy your time away, you sound like you are due for a break

Dani said...

Enjoy your time away and try to stay positive

Dan said...

Have a wonderful holiday! We'll miss you! And don't worry about work, tests, etc!

Dani said...

Hope you enjoy your time away

Dani said...

Hope you guys had a great time away. You deserve it! I'm a bit jealous tho :)

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